Persecución, chapter 2

They want to kill me. Perhaps they don’t actually want to do the killing, but they want me to die. They say it is because I am suffering, and to kill the suffering is merciful.

It is true that I am suffering, suffering because I am lonely, lonely because I am trapped and cannot get to my community. Though I can see them through the fence, I want to be with them, to commune.

I am suffering, yes, but I don’t want to die. I want to be with my friends. And even if I cannot, I still choose to suffer this loneliness, in hopes that one day I will find a way. I have hope.

I tell you, to kill me isn’t about me at all, it isn’t about my suffering, and it isn’t about being merciful. By your logic, the earth should be a barren rock, devoid of the suffering of life. We all suffer, I tell you. It is unavoidable. And you suffer more when you see the suffering of another.

Ending life is different than ending suffering. The two are not at all the same, and should not be confused. You feel bad when you see the suffering of another, and so you want the scene to end, to be turned off like a sad movie or song. I am not those things, I am a life. I don’t want to be turned off, because once you turn be off, you cannot turn me back on. And I don’t want to stop my being in this world.

But you are not thinking of me, which is why you don’t see this. You are thinking of you and want the uncomfortable scene tongo away from your life. You want your world to be happy, without suffering. I understand, I want these things also, for me.

This is a relic from a past year. It is also a reality for many.

To mire or not to mire

In the context of elevating the human condition, computer technology, mechanical engineering, and perhaps the physical sciences as a whole (including biology and chemistry) are proving themselves to be a dead end, as they are creating more problems than they are solving, and are slowly stagnating (requiring more an more energy to make comparatively less forward progress than previous advancements)

Thus we become more interested in something else, what I am loath to call social science and philosophy, but these are the contexts for it which exist in the culture of western thought. Outside of that context I know only to describe it as true inquiry, learning, and/or exploration. For lack of another term, I refer to this as “The Way”

The way has been furthered by many, for thousands of years. Through that time much may have been lost through destruction and distortion by empires of dominion. What little remains is largely ignored my the world’s population en masse. Yet my initial exploration i to this field of inquiry indicates potential beyond that of the physical sciences and may have the effect of allowing us to use and develop the physical sciences beyond the current plateau in which we find ourselves lost.


I have heard said “free your mind”

What I say to myself “free your body from your mind”

Do I say I am grateful?

Or is each movement, each action, an expression of gratitude?

Do I say thank you?

Or does feeling overflow my heart, flowing into my actions?

To live in the mind is very different than living in the world of form.

You haven’t found it Marcellus….

You haven’t found it. It wasn’t abroad, it wasn’t in the mountains, it’s not inside yourself. It’s not in security or comfort, or material, nor is it in asceticism.

And yet it may be in all these places. How we look is important. Did you look in the cracks? Did you relax the focus of your gaze? Did you follow your nose instead of bright color, did you follow your heart instead of your nose?

It is in the rare, in that which cannot be bought but exists somewhere.

It is in living moment, always there yet so difficult to experience. It is within this, yet do not confuse it for the moment itself.

It is in the hidden teachings, hidden not by design, but by lack of attention. It is within the teachings, yet it itself is not the hidden teachings.

I cannot spell it to you, or tell you you how to find it. Go there.

My ceiling is the moon and stars above